Misleading Technology Profile Warning

MADE-IN-CHINA.COM is on our misleading profile site list. This means that various pages across made-in-china.com and its subdomains make it difficult for us to accurately tell you what this site is built with.


Java EEJava EE

Java EE Usage Statistics · Download List of All Websites using Java EE

Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) is the industry standard for developing portable, robust, scalable and secure server-side Java applications.

Content Delivery Network


Cloudflare Usage Statistics · Download List of All Websites using Cloudflare

Automatically optimizes the delivery of your web pages so your visitors get the fastest page load times and best performance.

Document Encoding


UTF-8 Usage Statistics

UTF-8 (8-bit UCS/Unicode Transformation Format) is a variable-length character encoding for Unicode. It is the preferred encoding for web pages.

Document Standards

HTML5 DocTypeHTML5 DocType

HTML5 DocType Usage Statistics

The DOCTYPE is a required preamble for HTML5 websites.

DNS PrefetchDNS Prefetch

DNS Prefetch Usage Statistics

Page contains links to disable or enable DNS prefetching of links in the page.


X-UA-Compatible Usage Statistics

Allows a website to define how a page is rendered in Internet Explorer 8, allowing a website to decide to use IE7 style rendering over IE8 rendering.

Meta KeywordsMeta Keywords

Meta Keywords Usage Statistics

Meta tag containing keywords related to the page.

Meta DescriptionMeta Description

Meta Description Usage Statistics

The description attribute provides a concise explanation of the page content.

Canonical Content TagCanonical Content Tag

Canonical Content Tag Usage Statistics

Public specification of a preferred URL for a page allows search engines to understand the original location for content.

Cascading Style SheetsCascading Style Sheets

Cascading Style Sheets Usage Statistics

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in a markup language. Its most common application is to style web pages written in HTML

Conditional CommentsConditional Comments

Conditional Comments Usage Statistics

[url] uses conditional comments that are supported by Microsoft Internet Explorer. They allow web developers to show or hide HTML code based on the version of the viewer's browser.


Javascript Usage Statistics

JavaScript is a scripting language most often used for client-side web development.


WebP Usage Statistics

WebP is a modern image format that provides superior lossless and lossy compression for images on the web.

Javascript DeferJavascript Defer

Javascript Defer Usage Statistics

The defer attribute gives a hint to the browser that the script does not create any content so the browser can optionally defer interpreting the script. This can improve performance by delaying execution of scripts until after the body content is parsed and rendered.

HTTP3 Alt-SvcHTTP3 Alt-Svc

HTTP3 Alt-Svc Usage Statistics

HTTP3 support test via the Alt-Svc HTTP header.

Verified CDN
Profile Details

Link to this page. This profile will be updated 10th March 2025.

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