GETリクエスト · The number of requests for resources to load the page. gomocha.com made 25 requests for various resources. The average is 170 requests to load a page.
JavaScript リクエスト · The number of .js files that were loaded. gomocha.com made 9 requests for external JavaScript files. The average JavaScript file load is 55.
原稿サイズ · The total amount of data transferred when loading gomocha.com was 3,404,607 bytes. The average is 2,247,876 bytes.
HTML サイズ · The size of the main HTML page for gomocha.com was 76,952 bytes. The average is 45,845 bytes.
最大サーバー遅延 · The worse delay in time when connecting to resources on the page. gomocha.com worse server latency is 3895.34ms. The average worse server latency is 228.45ms.
最大往復時間 · The worse case RTT time for the furthest away resource on the page. gomocha.com worse RTT is 100.91ms. The average worse RTT is 71.19ms. All tests are carried out from Eastern USA.