Name Recommendation
i OneTrust
Cookie compliance system.
Privacy Compliance
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i UserVoice
A feedback tool for users to offer suggestions for improvements to the site
Feedback Forms and Surveys
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i Slack
Messaging app for teams that makes working together simple and efficient.
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Analytics and Tracking
Name Recommendation
i Mixpanel
This is an analytic platform that is particularly optimized funnel/work-flow optimization.
A/B Testing · Audience Measurement · Mobile · Site Optimization
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i Branch
Mobile deep linking system to increase engagement and retention.
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i Survicate
Visitors Insights For Lead Generation & Nurturing.
Lead Generation
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i Hotjar
A heatmap, survey, feedback and funnel application.
Audience Measurement · Conversion Optimization · Feedback Forms and Surveys
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i Honeybadger
Exception and uptime monitor for apps.
Application Performance · Error Tracking
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Content Management System
Name Recommendation
i The Knot
Wedding planning website builder.
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i Atlassian Cloud
Products including Jira and Confluence.
Ticketing System

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Name Recommendation
i Apollo GraphQL
App development framework.
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Recommendations Profile Details

Technology recommendations profile for feature.fm last updated on 25th August 2024.

What are Recommendations?

Technology recommendations listed here are based on sites that have similar technology profiles to feature.fm but are also using the other technologies shown on this page. The more stars next to a recommendation, the more similar technology profile sites have the technology.

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