Analytics and Tracking
Name Recommendation
i Adobe Dynamic Tag Management
Satellite puts an end to tag and technology management, letting marketers and analysts manage their tools. Previously known as Search Discovery Satellite now Adobe DTM.
Tag Management
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i Adobe Analytics
Marketing analytics platform from Adobe.
Audience Measurement · Marketing Automation
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i Adobe Experience Platform Launch
Tag management system from Adobe.
Tag Management
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i Cloudflare Insights
Visitor analytics and threat monitoring.
Application Performance · Audience Measurement
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i Kenshoo
Automates the whole process of creating and managing search-engine marketing campaigns.
Marketing Automation
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i Datadog
Cloud Monitoring as a Service system.
Application Performance
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i Everest Technologies
Performance testing and channel strategy provider for eCommerce.
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i Omniture Adobe Test and Target
Test&Target - Adobe Target Advanced, gives marketers the necessary capabilities to continually make their online content and offers more relevant to their customers-yielding greater conversion.
A/B Testing · Audience Measurement · Conversion Optimization · Marketing Automation · Personalization · Product Recommendations
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i Hotjar
A heatmap, survey, feedback and funnel application.
Audience Measurement · Conversion Optimization · Feedback Forms and Surveys

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i Akamai mPulse
Multi-channel real time analytics package - RUM system by Akamai previously Soasta.
Application Performance

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Name Recommendation
i Cloudflare Bot Manager
Stop bad bots by using threat intelligence.
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i OneTrust
Cookie compliance system.
Privacy Compliance
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Content Management System
Name Recommendation
i Adobe Experience Manager
Content management solution for building websites, mobile apps and forms.
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i DealerOn
Car dealer websites and interactive auto industry marketing solutions.

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Verified CDN
Name Recommendation
i Amazon CloudFront
Amazon CloudFront delivers your static and streaming content using a global network of edge locations.
Edge Delivery Network
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Recommendations Profile Details

Technology recommendations profile for last updated on 29th September 2024.

What are Recommendations?

Technology recommendations listed here are based on sites that have similar technology profiles to but are also using the other technologies shown on this page. The more stars next to a recommendation, the more similar technology profile sites have the technology.

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