Content Management System
Name Recommendation
i 1C-Bitrix
Bitrix Site Manager is the industry's most secure website management solution that delivers extreme value in performance, functionality, and ease-of-use for small and medium-sized businesses
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i Bitrix
Bitrix is a website management, e-commerce and e-marketing solution for small and medium-sized businesses.
eCommerce Enabled
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i Tilda
Create a website, landing page or online store for free without code.
Hosted Solution · Simple Website Builder

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Name Recommendation
i Bitrix24
Bitrix24 is a suite of social collaboration, communication and management tools.
Social Sharing
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i JivoSite
JivoChat Live chat software for websites.
Live Chat
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i Slack
Messaging app for teams that makes working together simple and efficient.
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Analytics and Tracking
Name Recommendation
i Roistat
Roistat is a cross-cutting analytics system. Roistat collects data from CRM-system, advertising platforms and your web site.
A/B Testing · Audience Measurement · Call Tracking
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i Hotjar
A heatmap, survey, feedback and funnel application.
Audience Measurement · Conversion Optimization · Feedback Forms and Surveys
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i Google Optimize 360
Test different variations of a website and then tailor it to deliver a personalized experience that works best for each customer and for your business.
A/B Testing · Personalization

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Name Recommendation
i Firebase
A scalable real time backend system for websites.
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DDoS Protection for your business.
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Email Hosting Providers
Name Recommendation
i Mailgun
Mailgun is a set of APIs that allow you to send, receive, track and store email effortlessly.
Transactional Email

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JavaScript Libraries and Functions
Name Recommendation
i Sentry
JavaScript bug tracking software through Sentry's javascript client Raven.

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Recommendations Profile Details

Technology recommendations profile for last updated on 27th October 2024.

What are Recommendations?

Technology recommendations listed here are based on sites that have similar technology profiles to but are also using the other technologies shown on this page. The more stars next to a recommendation, the more similar technology profile sites have the technology.

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