Audio / Video Media
Name Recommendation
i Wistia
Wistia is a video marketing, sales, and collaboration application.
Enterprise · Online Video Platform · Video Analytics · Video Players
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Analytics and Tracking
Name Recommendation
i Heap
Heap automatically captures every user action in your web app and lets you measure it all.
Application Performance · Audience Measurement
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i Hubspot
Hubspot provides marketing information and leads via inbounding marketing software.
CRM · Marketing Automation
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i Google Optimize 360
Test different variations of a website and then tailor it to deliver a personalized experience that works best for each customer and for your business.
A/B Testing · Personalization
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i Klaviyo
Customer Lifecycle Management platform for Web Apps and eCommerce.
Conversion Optimization · Feedback Forms and Surveys · Audience Measurement · Marketing Automation

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i Salesforce
Salesforce is a leading platform for cloud based web apps.

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Name Recommendation
i Slack
Messaging app for teams that makes working together simple and efficient.
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i Cloudflare Bot Manager
Stop bad bots by using threat intelligence.
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i MailChimp
MailChimp is a widely used Mailng List delivery and support service.
Feedback Forms and Surveys
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i OneTrust
Cookie compliance system.
Privacy Compliance

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JavaScript Libraries and Functions
Name Recommendation
i Sentry
JavaScript bug tracking software through Sentry's javascript client Raven.
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Content Management System
Name Recommendation
i Atlassian Cloud
Products including Jira and Confluence.
Ticketing System

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Email Hosting Providers
Name Recommendation
i Mailgun
Mailgun is a set of APIs that allow you to send, receive, track and store email effortlessly.
Transactional Email

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Recommendations Profile Details

Technology recommendations profile for last updated on 25th August 2024.

What are Recommendations?

Technology recommendations listed here are based on sites that have similar technology profiles to but are also using the other technologies shown on this page. The more stars next to a recommendation, the more similar technology profile sites have the technology.

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