Analytics and Tracking

Google AnalyticsGoogle Analytics

Google Analytics Usage Statistics · Download List of All Websites using Google Analytics

Google Analytics offers a host of compelling features and benefits for everyone from senior executives and advertising and marketing professionals to site owners and content developers.

Application Performance · Audience Measurement · Visitor Count Tracking

Google Universal AnalyticsGoogle Universal Analytics

Google Universal Analytics Usage Statistics · Download List of All Websites using Google Universal Analytics

The analytics.js JavaScript snippet is a new way to measure how users interact with your website. It is similar to the previous Google tracking code, ga.js, but offers more flexibility for developers to customize their implementations.

Cloudflare Rocket LoaderCloudflare Rocket Loader

Cloudflare Rocket Loader Usage Statistics · Download List of All Websites using Cloudflare Rocket Loader

Automatically optimizes your pages to minimize the number of network connections and ensure even third party resources won't slow down page rendering.

Application Performance

Content Delivery Network


Cloudflare Usage Statistics · Download List of All Websites using Cloudflare

Automatically optimizes the delivery of your web pages so your visitors get the fastest page load times and best performance.

Web Hosting Providers
Operating Systems and Servers

Parallels Plesk PanelParallels Plesk Panel

Parallels Plesk Panel Usage Statistics · Download List of All Websites using Parallels Plesk Panel

Host and manage websites and servers at any scale, includes virtualization software.

Document Standards


Javascript Usage Statistics

JavaScript is a scripting language most often used for client-side web development.

Javascript DeferJavascript Defer

Javascript Defer Usage Statistics

The defer attribute gives a hint to the browser that the script does not create any content so the browser can optionally defer interpreting the script. This can improve performance by delaying execution of scripts until after the body content is parsed and rendered.

Verified CDN
Profile Details

Last technology detected on 20th September 2024. We know of 12 technologies on this page and 9 technologies removed from since 31st May 2018. Link to this page. This profile will be updated 9th March 2025.

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